Aben Technical Services are ISO17025 NATA Accredited Laboratories in NDT - No15676 & Mechanical Testing - No17106 - in Victoria.

Microscopic Examination / Metallography

HomeServicesMicroscopic Examination / Metallography
Microscopic examination is performed to evaluate the microstructural characteristics of the metal and alloys at a micro level.  Not only does the examination of etched structures of metals and alloys provide information about how a material has been processed, but also determines if the structural parameters are within certain standards or specifications.


Using standard metallographic techniques and an advanced image analysis software, ABEN Technical Services offers microscopic examination services both on-site (client premises) and within our advanced equipped laboratories in order to determine:

  • Microstructural characteristics such as grain structures, grain size, phase transformation, distribution of structural phases and impurities (metallic and non-metallic).
  • Internal discontinuities such as voids, porosity, shrinkage, inclusions and cracks.
  • Effective or total case-depth in accordance with AS 1982.
  • Material’s response to processing such as heat treatment and welding.
  • Material degradation and failure mechanisms such as corrosion.
  • Extent of carburization & decarburization.
  • Classification of graphite in cast iron in terms of type, distribution, and size.


Feel free to contact us for more information about our positive material identification services or to request a quotation.

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