Aben Technical Services are ISO17025 NATA Accredited Laboratories in NDT - No15676 & Mechanical Testing - No17106 - in Victoria.

Positive Material Identification (PMI)

HomeServicesPositive Material Identification (PMI)
Positive material identification (PMI) is a reliable and cost-effective method used to determine the elemental composition and the grade of the alloy. PMI is also a great option both for re-certifying materials and products if their material certificates are missing, and verifying that supplied materials or products conform to the proper standards and specifications. Among all the techniques used in PMI industry, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) are the two main techniques used for material verification and identification, quality control systems, and research and development (R&D).


Material verification and identification using XRF

The XRF is a popular non-destructive testing (NDT) technique and the portability of the handheld XRF analyser allows ABEN to conduct PMI in the field (client premises). With our advanced portable XRF analysers, identification and verification of metallic materials and products is possible almost everywhere. The XRF analyser scans the metallic material and identifies it key elements. However, the XRF cannot detect carbon (C) and some lighter elements such as nitrogen (N). Read more.


Material verification and identification using OES

OES is the most preferred method due to its ability to identify carbon and lighter elements that are not detectable by XRF. OES creates a spark on the sample and is used to vaporize the material being analysed. The atoms and ions contained in the atomic vapor are excited and emit a particular wavelength of light which is then used to precisely determine the chemical composition of the sample. Using advanced portable and stationary optical emission spectrometers (OES), ABEN Technical Services provides accurate chemical analysis services on metallic materials both on-site (client premises) and within our advance equipped laboratories. Read More.


Feel free to contact us for more information about our positive material identification services or to request a quotation.

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